Unknown E55672 Research Paper

Words: 1094
Pages: 5

My research paper is on the discovery of my Unknown E55672, through numerous and tedious experiments. My experiments include finding the boiling point of the solution, the molecular weight and formula, the density, and using the IR graph to come up with the name of my unknown. I used the Ideal Gas law to calculate the number of moles of my substance under testable conditions. In doing so, I was able to calculate the molecular weight in both trials and take the average. The empirical formula, which is calculated through combustion analysis, and the average molecular weight is then used to find the molecular formula of E55672. Using the molecular formula (C4H9Cl), boiling point, density, and IR spectrum; I plan to look online at ChemSpider, Chemical Book, and possibly Sigma Aldrich for data on my unknown with given properties. Once I have poised all my data, I will eliminate all possibilities and select one that matches closest to my research. …show more content…
First search is 1-Chlorobutane, with molecular formula C4H9Cl. The following searches were tert-butyl chloride, 2-chlorobutane, 1-Chloro-2methylpropane, (2S)-2-Chlorobutane, and (2R)-2-Chlorobutane. The molecular formula of the remaining five searches also happen to be C4H9Cl, same as my unknown E55672. At this point it is grim to eliminate any of the possible compounds being they have identical molecular formulas. Further investigating into the other properties would have to be scrutinized in order to eliminate from these six possibilities. I will now compare the density values of these six compound to my actual