Not only do kids have computers in school, but now almost everyone has a mini computer right in their pockets. Technology has made information so easily accessible that independent thinking has almost, unfortunately, become obsolete. My high school is a perfect example of what happens to the student's minds when computers become the main source of education. The high school that I attended labels itself a "School of Technology"; therefore, I completed assignments through some medium of technology. The problem came about when teachers assigned homework that required access to a computer with internet, and some students did not have that access at home. So, to fix that problem and to feed into the school's identity, all student were given personal iPads at small rental fee. What started out as having teacher's incorporating the iPads into the classroom, turned into everything that we did required the iPad. Many student's began to take advantage of the iPad's capabilities by playing games or watching videos in class, and having a friend message them answers to whatever it was that was done in class. Teachers did notice this, but their complaints fell on the deaf ears of the administration that viewed the iPads as being something that made our school stand