Using Uconn: Committing To Sustainable Agriculture

Words: 1335
Pages: 6

Still need intro and conclusion. Need to “trim the fat”.
Need to tie everything back to my main argument better
Main argument: UConn must become more politically committed to sustainability, as well as practicing what it preaches in the agricultural department.
Jessica Everett
Professor Katelyn Jaynes
8 November 2015
Committing to Sustainable Agriculture
To understand how UConn can achieve sustainable agriculture, we must examine a model community. In Bandung, Indonesia nature thrives bountifully because the farmers’ primary concern is stewardship. In Bandung, the land’s fertility has risen every year for the last several centuries (CITATION). This community exhibits an intricate balance between all types of agriculture: fish, livestock, plants, etc. However, the most important balance they have
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Irrigation systems allow water to enter farms in a relatively pure state. It then passes under livestock barns as well as human latrines where the waste enriches the water. This nutrient-rich water then hydrates and fertilizes crops. Instead of applying water aerially and contaminating crops, aqueducts hydrate the soil laterally. Excess water then goes to a fishpond where plant life thrives in order to feed the fish. The plants that the fish don’t eat are fed to livestock. The water from the pond, enriched a second time with fish waste, is then used to fertilize and hydrate rice paddies. The paddies also act as a filter, allowing the water to leave in, again, a relatively pure state. Some may look at this as a simple breakthrough, but this is a millennium-old method of agriculture. About this successful, sustainable agricultural model, John Todd writes, “the