Vaccinate Children Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Vaccines have been one of the most important assets of human health and in the modern society. Vaccines have been very helpful to many children and adults with preventing life threatening illnesses such as whooping cough, measles, chicken pox, etc. Many countries have been lucky enough to receive them. While on the other hand, many other countries are not able to provide and afford this preventative care. Many parents around the world are with the idea of giving their kids vaccines while many others choose not to vaccinate their children. There have been disputes in the past that vaccines work well to prevent illnesses, but they can also be harmful to the human body because of what they contain. Vaccines have been proven to be effective but …show more content…
Public health officials recommend a set of vaccinations for every child by the age of 6. It is said that these vaccines help build the child’s immunity if ever come across one of these life threatening diseases. It not only helps the individual itself but also helps the community if ever an outbreak happens. The protocol for vaccines seems like a very smart idea for many while others have a problem with the chemicals they inject in the bloodstream. Are they dangerous? Do they have anything to do with kids that have autism or other neurological illness? This is why many parents go for a much more natural source such as healthy eating, organic foods and a green based diet. Many activists of the Anti-Vaccine movement decide not to put their children through this although they might be putting their children's health in a higher risk than those who do get …show more content…
They find it rare how SIDS happens a few weeks or months after the child's first vaccines. Although, the government has not found proof that it is the cause of the death of many babies. Many parents that have gone through this question whether the government is not giving us the right information. In this article they talk about how it might be related to SIDS because of the timing they both happen. The article says “ From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The timing of these two events has led some people to believe they might be related…With babies receiving multiple doses of vaccines during their first year of life, and SIDS being the leading cause of death in babies between one month and one year of age, CDC has led research studies to look for possible linkage” (pg 2). In this article, they talk about how their might be a linkage between the sudden deaths of many infants and the vaccine they introduce to them. Even though the Center of Disease control has not found proof to say that these vaccines do cause neurological disorders or be the cause of SIDS. There are many cases that happen in which parents believe it is the cause of