Vaccination Argumentative Essay

Words: 1125
Pages: 5

Vaccines have become a controversial topic in the United States within the past decade. Certain parents believe that vaccines do not help the prevention of diseases but rather cause bad things to happen to the child. In recent past misinformed parents have tried to tie vaccinations with autism in children even though there has been no scientific tie to vaccine rate and the rate of autism in America. The thing that these parents do not understand is that vaccines were created to prevent the spread of diseases that are curable and to help those children that are unable to receive vaccinations due to illness or a hindered immune system brought on by treatments such a chemotherapy. There is no reason that healthy children should not be vaccinated. They not only prevent that child from catching illnesses but it also lessens the change that an individual with a compromised immune system become infected with a disease that …show more content…
This is to prevent the outbreak of a disease which would be very likely in a school due to the large number of people in a confined space for an extended period. It Is important to vaccinate children and adults especially if they are going to be around babies or infants. Since they do not have a fully functioning immune system, infants are highly susceptible to diseases and illness that may not present themselves prominently in adults and even children. One of the basic illnesses that physicians are so adamant about adults and children received are the vaccinations for pertussis or whooping cough. “Silence Whooping Cough” is a program that is advocating for an increase in the number of people nationwide to receive the vaccination for this disease. If the clear majority of adults and children get the vaccination at the appropriate times and stay current the number of babies effected by the sickness should drop greatly