Value Based Leadership Task 3

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Pages: 10

Slide 1 -. Task Two D253 - Values Based Leadership Communicating My Leadership Vision Kayla Bickford 010607571.

Slide Notes: Welcome. This is Task Two of D253 - Value Based Leadership. My name is Kayla Bickford, I am the newly appointed customer service manager, and this meeting we will be going over my PowerPoint presentation on communicating my leadership vision. Thank you so much for joining me and lets get started.

Slide 2 My Story Image Some years ago, I found myself at a crossroads, both professionally and personally. I was part of a project that was challenging, to say the least. We were under-resourced, short staffed, facing tight deadlines, and morale was low. It felt like we were trying to climb a mountain with our bare hands. One
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It represents the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others, recognizing the dynamics of our diverse society. Social awareness allows individuals to navigate complex social environments by understanding societal norms and cultural differences, leading to more effective communication and interpersonal relationships. It plays a pivotal role in developing empathy, a critical component in building strong, empathetic relationships that are the foundation of successful teams and communities. In our team, we prioritize empathy in our daily interactions by actively practicing listening. This means when a team member is speaking, we focus entirely on understanding their perspective without immediately forming a response or judgment. This approach fosters an environment where all members feel valued and understood, encouraging open and honest communication. For instance, if a team member is experiencing challenges that affect their work, we strive to understand their situation fully and provide support or adjustments as needed, rather than jumping to conclusions or reprimanding them for reduced productivity.

Slide 7: A3C p2 Biases and Ethical Decision Making.

Unconscious Bias in Professional Settings • Refers to unconscious attitudes or stereotypes affecting actions and decisions. Can lead to unfair judgments based on race, gender, age, or appearance. Recognizing and addressing unconscious bias is crucial for creating equitable workplaces.

Cognitive Bias Types: Confirmation and Anchoring Bias Confirmation Bias: • Searches for, interprets, favors, and recalls information to confirm preexisting beliefs. Managers may acknowledge successes of favored employees while overlooking