Essay about Vatican Sayings By Epicurus

Submitted By Miltos-Prastitis
Words: 1790
Pages: 8

from Vatican Sayings

IV. Every pain is easily disregarded; for that which is intense is of brief duration, and the suffering brought by a physical pain that lasts long is slight.
VII. For a wrongdoer to be undetected is difficult; and for him to have confidence that his concealment will continue is impossible.
IX. Necessity is an evil; but there is no necessity for continuing to live subject to necessity. XI. Most men are in a coma when they are at rest and mad when they act.
XIV.We have been born once and there can be no second birth. For all eternity we shall no longer be. But you, although you are not master of tomorrow, are postponing your happiness.We waste away our lives in delaying, and each of us dies without having enjoyed leisure.
XV. As if they were our own handiwork, we place a high value on our characters whether or not we are virtuous and praised by other men. So, too, we should regard the characters of those about us if they are our friends.
XVI. No one chooses a thing realizing that it is evil; but when it appears as good in contrast to a greater evil, he takes the bait and is caught.
XVII.We should not regard the young man as happy, but rather the old man whose life has been fortunate. The young man at the height of his power is often baffled by fortune and driven from his course; but the old man has come to anchor in age as in a harbor, and holds in sure and happy memory blessings for which once he could scarcely hope.
XVIII. If sight, association, and intercourse are removed, the passion of love is ended.
XIX. He has become an old man on the day on which he forgot his past blessings.
XXI. We must not resist Nature but obey her. We shall obey her if we satisfy the necessary desires and also those bodily desires that do not harm us while sternly rejecting those that are harmful.
XXIII. Every friendship in itself is to be desired; but the first cause of friendship was a man's needs.
XXIV. Dreams have neither divine nature nor prophetic power, but they are the result of idols that impinge upon us.

from Vatican Sayings / Epicurus


XXV. Poverty, if in proper proportion to the natural purposes of life, is great wealth; but the wealth that is unlimited is great poverty
XXVI.One must assume that the long argument and the short tend to the same end.
XXVII.The benefits of other pursuits come to those who have reached the end of a difficult course, but in the study of philosophy pleasure keeps pace with growing knowledge; for pleasure does not follow learning; rather, learning and pleasure advance side by side.
XXVIII.Those who are hasty in making friends are not to be approved; nor yet should you commend those who avoid friendship, for risks must be run for its sake.
XXIX.To speak frankly, I would prefer as I study nature to speak in oracles that which is of advantage to all men even though it be understood by none, rather than to conform to popular opinion and thus gain the praise that is scattered broadcast by the many.
XXXI. It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men all live in a city without walls.
XXXII.The honor paid to a wise man is a great good for those who honor him.
XXXIII.The voice of the flesh bids us escape from hunger, thirst, and cold; for he who is free of these and expects to remain so might vie in happiness even with Zeus.
XXXIV.We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need. XXXV. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.
XXXVII.When confronted by evil the soul is weak, but not when faced with good; for pleasures make the soul secure but pains ruin it.
XXXVIII. He is of very small account who sees many good reasons for ending his life.
XXXIX. Neither he who is always seeking material aid from his friends nor he who never thinks of such aid as possible is a true friend; for the one engages in petty