Vestibular Neuritis Research Paper

Words: 1438
Pages: 6

Vestibular neuritis refers to a disorder that attacks the inner ear nerve, leading to

inflammation. Vestibular neuritis affects vestibulocochlear nerve, which ensures head position

balance by sending information to the brain (Baloh 26). The prefix vestibular means the sense of

balance facilitated by semi-circular canals, the saccule, and utricle adjacent to the cochlea.

Vestibular organs contain hair cells and fluid that are responsible for sending signals to the brains

regarding head movement. The suffix neuritis relates to the nerves that are abundant in the ear.

When the nerves are infected, they provide varied messages to the brain resulting in vertigo or

dizziness. Before infection, a majority of people tend to experience upper
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However, Vestibular Neuritis can also affect children raised under congested and deplorable

environments. The youths and teens can also be affected in case of head injuries, which affects

the semicircular canals (Aw 769). Both males and females have equal chances of suffering from

Vestibular Neuritis.

Vestibular Neuritis Treatment

Treatment of vestibular neuritis involves three steps; rehabilitation program participatory,

virus treatment and vestibular neuritis symptoms management. When an individual is detected

with vestibular neuritis, the first step is to alleviate the symptoms. Various drugs are administered

to reduce different symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are eliminated using drugs such as

metoclopramide and Zofran. If vomiting continues more than a week, an individual is admitted

to curb the level of dehydration. One is provided with IV fluids combined with special

medication. Dizziness is treated using vestibular suppressant drugs such as lorazepam,

Compazine, meclizine or diazepam (George 309). Due to negative health effect upon long-term

use, vestibular suppressants are used approximately one month. One limitation of the drugs