Vici's Case Study

Words: 507
Pages: 3

Estimates put the fan numbers at around 400 million people who enjoy football, but despite that, the game has fallen under increased scrutiny for their careless approach to concussion. Because of the ongoing negative light that has been shed on the billion-dollar industry, the NFL finally admitted that concussions could have an impact on its players. They even started researched that will help to uncover a solution.

One of the companies that took the NFL's need for finding a solution would be Vici's. This Seattle-based company designed a revolutionary, new helmet that will address one of the biggest problems in football: brain injury. Vici has dubbed the helmet the Zero1, and it features a multilayered, flexible helmet that rotates and absorbs the impact of oncoming forces. They constructed the helmet to work with the separate layers.

The top layer, known as the Lode Shell, can absorb the impact with deforming a certain part of the helmet. It works similar to what you would see with a bumper. This technology has existed for a long time in the car industry, but they only recently brought it to the football helmet. In the next layer called the Core Layer, Vici blends medicine with engineering and sport. They Core Layer will buck in every direction to help with mitigating a linear or
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Many concussions have been proven to lead to encephalopathy. A neurodegenerative brain disease discovered by Bennet Omalu. Per Reinhall, the founder of Vicis, argues that if we cannot find a method of addressing the issue, the game could be in danger. Vici has moved to put the helmet to the ultimate test and given them to Virginia Tech's STAR rating system for determining concussions. The system gave the helmets a five-star score based on their ability to protect against brain injury and absorb the blows from outside