Level 3
QWC i–ii–iii
The response attempts an analysis that is linked to appropriately-selected information. The response shows understanding of the focus of the question and deploys sufficient accurate and relevant material to support the points the student makes. The response may also include accurate material that is descriptive and/or that strays from the question focus, and judgement may be implicit. A range of sources appropriate to the enquiry has been identified and material from them has been well selected.
Writing communicates ideas using historical terms accurately and showing some direction and control in the organising of material. The student uses some of the rules of grammar appropriately and spells and punctuates with considerable accuracy, although some spelling errors may still be found.
Level 4
QWC i–ii–iii
A sustained analysis is supported by precisely-selected and accurate material and with sharply focused development of the points made. The answer as a whole will focus well on the question. An explicit judgement is given, with a reasoned argument about the nature/extent of change/significance/ consequences OR whether one factor was more important than the others
OR the response explains the inter-relationship between two or more of the factors. A range of sources appropriate to the enquiry has been identified and material from them has been well deployed.
Writing communicates ideas effectively, using a range of precisely-selected historical terms and organising information clearly and coherently. The student spells, punctuates and uses the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy, although some spelling errors may still be found
Part A guidance
In order to do well on the Part A task, it is important that candidates:
● address the enquiry focus, rather than simply writing everything they know on the topic
● show that they have selected and used material from a range of relevant sources
(books, websites, etc.).
What is a ‘range’ of sources?
Candidates are expected to use five or more different sources of information in their enquiry. There are no restrictions on the type of sources to be used – they can be textbooks, work by historians, books for the general public, websites, media sources, etc. However, the expectation is that ‘sources’ here means sources of information
(i.e. works of some kind) rather than short extracts or images which are used as sources in Unit 3. An example of an appropriate source of information could be a
‘chapter’ (often one or two double-page spreads) in a GCSE textbook, a web page devoted to the specific topic, a museum display, and so on.
How do candidates show they have selected and used a range?
The mark scheme refers to candidates’ ‘selection and use’ of material. For teachers to be able to reward this in marking, candidates’ prepared notes should be evidence that they have done this. Although notes may not contain prepared passages of answers in full sentences, they may contain extracted phrases or whole sentences as quotations from sources consulted. In their response to the enquiry question, GCSE candidates are not required to reference their sources through footnotes (although this is obviously acceptable) but they should make it clear that they are selecting and deploying information from a range of sources. This might be done through direct comment in the text, for example ‘as Leonard and Whittock’ say or ‘the picture on page XX of Waugh and Wright’.
Because they can prepare a bibliography to bring into the write-up session, candidates could also number the items on their bibliography and then put the number of the relevant work in the margin or in brackets in the essay.
The following paragraph from the 2011 principal moderator’s report should also be noted: Since candidates are rewarded for identifying and selecting material from