Virgil's Monologue

Words: 953
Pages: 4

Leaving seven circles of pain and shrills behind, I grasp onto Virgil, as he points to our way into the next circle. Bending my head up, as if gazing directly at the sun at noon, my weary neck crackles with exhaust. Before us stands a worn face of rock. I look at Virgil, “Do we have to go us there?”.

Nodding, he says, “It’ll only take a minute”. I struggle to lift my aching arms up, I allow my calfs to elevate me, reaching for a crack to dig my nails into. Pull by pull, we hoist ourselves up further onto this hot dusty wall. My scalded hands blister like walking barefoot on black pavement during the summer. Reaching the tips of my fingers to the very top of the wall, I use my last bit of energy to pull myself up and see what lies ahead. Trembling
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“Ultimate Judgement?” I ask,“Well doesn't, everyone judge people from time to time?”

Shaking his head with shame, Virgil sighs, “Follow me, I'll show you”. Cautiously taking a step into the scorching mist, I want nothing more than to be back home, feeling the numbing cold of a tall glass of ice water against my parched lips. As freezing chills rush through my spine, I bring myself to read the tall plaque towering over the entrance. It states, “Here lies those who judged themselves and their neighbor. Lacking faith towards God’s intentions and creations, these wicked sinners will NEVER see the light of day”.

“Virgil, is this why you brought me here?”, I ask, knowing the truth before the words leave my lips.

Grabbing my hand, he pulls me forward to the first group of screams. I watch in horror
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Moving my aching legs, one by one, step by step, we come to a moat of lava, shaped in a figure eight. The stench of burning flesh bubbles out, along with muffled screams Inside are thousands of bodies, shoved against each other in the whirling stream. Their faces bash against sharp rocks as they try to climb upon each other to stay as far out of the burning river as they can. One hideous man manages to pile enough bodies below him to reach his fingertips to the top of the moat. Curiously leaning in to see who this strong and determined individual could be, I recognize that wicked face and dart back behind Virgil. “He can’t hurt you”, Virgil says