At the Halloween carnival, I worked in the art section where I assisted children in their painting and drawing ventures, which was a definite joy as I got to see children dressed in adorable costumes utilizing their creative capacities to illustrate images that they want, with a variety of tools, and my help. In fact, dressed as a cat during the carnival, I recall receiving an adorable card, dedicated to me, with an illustration of a cat, from a sweet girl whom I helped. Additionally, after the carnival, I also helped with clean up as well.
As for B. A. S. E. kick-off, it was definitely a fun, and useful volunteer, and learning experience. As one of my first leadership experiences, leading a game definitely not only taught …show more content…
kick-off. For me, public speaking is definitely a great challenge as I get stage fright, and turn into a blushing tomato within minutes. Thus, the experiences I had working with fellow B.A.S.E. leaders, and with Frog Hollow, to provide the best experiences for incoming students were definite learning experiences for me to overcome those challenges, grow, and develop. Additionally, during the grade seven mixer, as these confident, and outspoken students were quite rowdy, both my partner, Kathleen, and I definitely faced our share of challenges in keeping our scheduled activities for them intact. Fortunately, while we improvised and presented the activities, we eventually even ended up finishing first and were able to provide a fun tour to those under our leadership, though our presentations were a bit rocky at