This sentence made me think and reflect on bilingual education. A bilingual class is suppose to help students to be successful, not to fail. It is always better to know other languages. When students know other languages, it is easier for them to have sympathy for other peoples who are recent arrivals from other country. According to one researcher, “People who speak two languages often outperform monolinguals on general measures of executive function” (Kamenetz). Bilingual education benefits the students in the classroom, their performance, their thinking in terms of diversity, and, in the long-range, it seems to offer protection from early dementia at later …show more content…
Being in a classroom that is diverse helps to open students’ minds to their surroundings. The students in this setting feel that their cultures and languages are of value and respected, and so are they. If the students do not feel they are valued, these students may turn to self-pity, which could lead to many other things that are bad. For example, depression and the feeling of being of no worth. It is the ideal to have classrooms that have dual-language settings because these setting help the students, the cultures, and the