Unit number, code and title
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14, M/601/0908/, Working With and Leading People.
Module Leader:
Hakeem Kazeem , Mahbubur Rahman, Vedna Gavaloo
Distribution date
Submission deadline
W/C – 22/09/2014 07/12/ 2014
Assignment title
WLP: (1 of 3)
Learning Outcome
Learning outcome
Assessment Criteria
In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:
Task no.
(Page no)
Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures 1.1
Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff
Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the …show more content…
Needs assessments save money, time, and increase the potential for value in the outcomes training efforts. Needs assessments , ideal at this point in time in order to prepare an adequate strategy for staff support and development. The following document presents an approach to conducting a needs assessment :Identify areas of need, needs assessment instruments and strategies for implementation of needs assessment.
All employees receive core training to do their job effectively and safely. A full annual appraisal identifies personal goals and training needs.
Adapted from: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/business-theory/people/recruitment-and-selection.html#ixzz39caVAJMM http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/MLB8EnsureCompliancewithLegalRegulatoryEthicalandSocialrequirements.pdf http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/MLB8EnsureCompliancewithLegalRegulatoryEthicalandSocialrequirements.pdf Task 1 (L.O. 1: 1.1, 1.2,1.3, 1.4 and M1, M2, D1)
As a consultant your are to prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff, assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process; explain how to take part in the XYZ Limited selection process and evaluate own contribution to the selection process.
To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements about how to