Wall Of Art Research Paper Outline

Words: 649
Pages: 3

Title: Wall of Art
Thesis Statement: “We need to paint over it! It makes the community look awful! The person who did this will be caught! I bet there is a gang war going on in this town.” These are the saying of people who think inside the box. Others do not see the bold statement that is being voiced in the mural. Not seeing the time and preparations they did to create this masterpiece. Only listening to their own feelings instead of others. Little do they know, that graffiti can be considered an art?
I. Introduction
a. Others do not see the bold statement that is being voiced in the mural. Never seeing the time and preparations they did to create this masterpiece. Only listening to their own emotional state instead of others. Little do they
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Their art work influences the world politically and socially.
1. Some artist may not like that kids are being put into to battle at young ages.
2. Expressing how they feel about the issue, they spray a little girl holding a machine gun. iii. Graffiti is a non-violent form of expression.
1. Graffiti may show some vulgar and crude things.
2. Some images may be offensive to the eyes. iv. The images sprayed on walls tells stories of fairy tales called life.
1. Graffitist wears their hearts on their shoulder for everyone to see when painting.
a. The graffitist could be a boy that has to take care of his younger brothers and sisters because his parents passed away.
b. Could be in an abusive home where his dad sexually assaults him while his mom stays in the streets to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.
c. Try putting yourself in their shoes to see how else you would seek help without getting your love ones lock up.
v. Graffiti lets the artist escape from the reality of the struggles they go through every day of their lives until some hears their cries.
III. Style
a. Graffiti is a unique style of art.
i. Graffiti takes tons of planning and creativity. ii. It uses artistic elements like shading and