“This is the nucleus—after the child is born of woman, the man is born of woman; This is the bath of birth—this is the merge of small and large, and the outlet again.”(64-65).
She is like the cycle and gateway to the life of a beautiful body. She contains everything that moves and balances the qualities of conceiving daughters that will make more daughters and sons. The second thing you see plenty of times throughout the poem is repetition. He uses this purposely to get his readers to know exactly the type of message he is conveying of why and how the body is beautiful. The main thing that is being repeated around is the “body is sacred”.
“The man’s body is sacred, and the woman’s body is sacred;
No matter who it is, it is sacred”(83-84).
The reason why he repeats this so many times around the poem is because he wants his readers to know how valuable the body really is. The body is beyond special. The body is like a temple, it’s pure; it’s something that we must protect. The third rhetorical device Walt Whitman uses is eulogy. He praises the body and all it’s values.
“I have perceiv’d that to be with