After more animals are spotted around the city the next day, there is a town hall meeting where Mr. Wagamese, known to the townspeople as an Indian from the Department of Natural Resources, gives a presentation about how resorts and roads are the cause of the problem. However, the townspeople get caught up in comparing each other's animal problems and don’t realize that the true problem is how their actions are destroying the environment. The incident occurred after the police chief gave a safety warning at the town hall meeting. Mr. Wagamese came out to explain how the forests are gone, causing the animals to go to the city because they have nowhere else to live. The next morning, Alistair and Evelyn notice that the raccoons have disappeared from their attic, and their neighbours notice how all the animals are absent from the city. The next day, Alistair and Evelyn went up to the cottage and noticed how all the trees had been cut down and how all the animals that normally belong there were nowhere to be