Warsaw Pact Research Paper

Words: 1917
Pages: 8

The Cold War winded the gap between America and the Soviet Russia. One country tried to exert fear in the mind of other. In order to make Europe free from the clutches of communism, the United States of America created an organization. This was known as the North Atlantic Treaty organization or NATO. The war that revenged Europe and most of the western world for almost six years was about to come to an end. Take complements for the Russian red army arose the river Elbe in the early morning hours and were beginning their unstoppable onslaught on the Nazi capital Berlin. On that same year the Nazi empire, the right that will last a thousand years and shame even that Charlemagne came to an abrupt violent in. The war in Europe was over, the war …show more content…
NATO, itself made up of ambassadors from the fifteen countries involved and not the military. The principals of the policy was to first maintain adequate military strength and political unity to deter aggression and other forms of political pressure. The second policy is pursue aimed at a relaxation of tensions between East and West; a policy based to as large extent on general military strength. Facing off against the combined NATO are those of the Warsaw Pact, formed in 1995 to join the military forces Eastern Europe countries. The pact was used to keep the soviets dominance, and definite opponent to American capitalism. The signing of the pact became a symbol of the soviet dominance in Eastern Europe. The Pact kept the soviet allies a watchful eye and make enforce decisions. The conditions of the treaty was “total quality, mutual noninterference in internal affairs, and respect for national sovereignty and independence.” Majority of the actions presented by the Warsaw pact were ran by the political consultative committee and also the command of the Pact Armed forces. Khrushchev’s ambition forwards the power if the communist party could explain the creation of the Warsaw Pact. He wanted global domination for communism. NATO and the Warsaw pact shared similarities and both created to defend against outside powers. But the Warsaw Pact was the name of the military alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe nations and NATO the Atlantic Alliance, was an alliance between fifteen western nations who felt threated by large numbers of soviet troops stationed along the Western Border of