Was Universal Healthcare A Good Idea

Words: 587
Pages: 3

Have you ever wondered if there was a cheaper healthcare? Some people say that a universal health care system would be cheaper and increase access to care. Other people believe that would be to expensive and reject that idea completely. Reasons why the universal healthcare are a good idea is first, the costs would lower overall depending on the plan you pay for. Second More people would be available for care because they would actually have a healthcare service and last, less people would die from sickness and disease because they would have the care they need.

First, why would the cost lower for the universal healthcare? The answer to that is easy. According to scienceblogs.com have tested the price change and the results were amazing, total costs per capita dropped from nearly 9000 dollars to almost 4500 dollars. That saves around 4500 dollars. The reason the price dropped so much was because not only were the visits cheaper because of the healthcare but also visits to the E.R would drop as well because people were able to get the care and service that they needed and deserved. Overall if people that don't have a health care provider now pay nearly double the price that they would pay if universal healthcare was in effect.

Second, One of the saddest things a doctor might have to
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Because people don't go to the doctor, since they don't have the money people will not be able to get the care that they need in order to become cured again, which usually leads to many more symptoms of a sickness that may not be able to be cured since they waited so long. If people don't get the care they need then it can lead than that sickness can morph into something bigger and eventually won't be able to be cured since they didn't catch the disease earlier. With a better healthcare system that could be changed and the deaths in America and around the world will go down a substantial