We picked up some pamphlets in order to prepare for the service. Next to some activities there was a star indicating when the congregation was to stand. …show more content…
In Catholic church's they usually have men or teenagers help out with the collection which is why this caught my attention. Having the kids being involved in the service makes them more aware of their religion and beliefs while capturing their attention. Incorporating candy in the service excites the kids, making them listen. After that, the call to worship began. We stood and listened to Judie read "The Doxology #694". I noticed that their bible was exactly the same as Catholics. Every book was the same, the only thing that differed was the song book. There was a small invocation leading to the Hymn of Praise. They sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" making me feel part of the community. The Christmas spirit spread throughout the church especially with the decorations and