Wealth Inequality Script

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Pages: 4

Wealth Inequality Script

What is wealth inequality?
Wealth inequality is the unequal distribution of assets within a population. This is being practiced to the extreme in this day and age. Countries all over the world are experiencing it; the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.

Wealth inequality may not be as much of a problem in our local area, but it is still evident. There are obvious segments around the Sunshine Coast; regions where the people of considerably high wealth inhabit, and where other people without the same riches conform. There are still people without jobs, without a home, or basic human requirements that could be solved instantly if wealth was balanced out a little more.

When taken
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These people have access to the media and control what is put out on news casts such as CNN. All the media attention is placed on how terrorist will reign over all when they get their hands on weapons. ISIS’s agenda and output of combat was never really not a war that needs to be fought; they didn’t control much until armed forces travelled over there to create conflict, which gave them an enemy and also pushed attention away from other world problems such as poverty and world hunger; basic human needs cannot be catered for. It is estimated that $30 billion is needed to end world hunger. This may seem like an outstanding amount, but if it is taken into account that the United States’ millionaires’ combined wealth is over $1 trillion dollars (1,000 billion), it is really a stupid, unnecessary form of suffering. Of course, the output of this information is largely limited by the oligarchs and media attention drifts away from prospects such as this and focuses on fighting a war that never needed to start in the first place. If wealth was even slightly equalised, maybe the instability in Northern Africa and the middle east, and even some parts of Europe and the America’s would be essentially lessened. Deep down, average people yearn for fairness, and this current system is obviously not providing it for us. Maybe it’s not obvious, otherwise we may have done something about it by now. Thomas Jefferson once stated “every generation should have a revolution.” I personally think that this information needs to be broadcast on a larger scale, as we are currently not living in a democracy, it was proven by a university study that the U.S is not a democracy; no political party is representing the average person’s needs. Really the system we live in is designed so that no major change can take