a. What components of the nervous system are involved in physical sensation?
The components of the nervous system that are involved in physical sensation is the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The PNS is divided into the sensory and motor division. The sensory division is mostly involved with physical sensation because of all the efferent nerve fibers that run through the body into the brain and spine. The PNS conducts all the impulses from the sensory receptors throughout the entire body.
Text Book – page 257 http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Nervous-System.pdf b. Name the specific receptors responsible for this process.
c. How does sensory impulse move throughout the body?
Sensory impulses are …show more content…
Text Book – page 254-257 http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/s/sensory_neuron.htm 7. Explain the role of creatine phosphate, anaerobic respiration, and aerobic respiration in energy production for muscular contraction.
The main function of ATP is to transfer energy from one location to another instead of storing the energy long term. The skeletal muscle fibers produce more ATP than needed while at reast. When at rest ATP transfers the energy into creatin. The energy transfer creates a high-energy compound called creatine phosphate.
When a muscle works longer that 15 seconds, the supply of creatine phosphate is depleated. The next source of energy comes from glycolysis. Glycolysis breakes down the clucose to pyruvic acid inside the cytoplasm of the cell. That process is called an anaerobic process because it does not require energy. Clycolysis provides 2 ATP and generates 2 pyruvic acid molecules from each glucose molecule.
In an aerobic process oxegen is required. It is needed when an activity last longer than 10 seconds. The muscles have 2 sources of oxygen. One is from when oxygen is diffused from the blood and the other comes from the oxygen that is released by myoglobin in the sarcoplasm.
Text Book – page 207 – 208 http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/martinidemo/chapter10/medialib/CH10/html/ch10_5_2.html 8.