Weed And Seed Case Study

Words: 501
Pages: 3

1.In New York City during the 1980s and early 1990s there were crimes such as drug abuse, criminal acts of violence, gang activity and much more being committed in various neighborhoods. To prevent and control the community different strategies and programs were put into existence for the revitalization of the communities.Programs like the Weed and Seed, a federal program, which was formed in 1991, centered their focus on target areas and by centralizing the crime. They were able to control and prevent violent crimes and control the targeted areas. Overall, the Weed and Seed program was very successful in the community. They were able to see a reduction in crime, get residents of the community involved with the program and help to get convicts that have been incarcerated re-entry back into the community with a promising future with possibly no recidivism. The program has also spread across the country being implemented in other law enforcement …show more content…
In 1994 NYPD developed a new strategy, Police Strategy No.5 : Reclaiming the public places of New York City. This strategy was formed due to the belief that it would "reduce the level of disorder in the city."(Police Strategy No.5: Reclaiming the Public Spaces of New York,1994). The problems of disorder were things like graffiti, panhandling, criminal activity, public drunkenness, prostitution. It was such an effect on the community because they were done in public places such as parks where children play and in open streets and the public transportation. This could potentially endanger the innocent residents of the community. By giving the commanders of precincts the permission to address the disorder, using people in the community as supporters, and even upgrading some policies and procedures of the police department to ensure the quality of safety in