It causes 5674 cases involving affected humans throughout 48 states (5). The viral pathogen caused 2873 neuroinvasive disease cases (5). 56 percent of the infected humans had encephalitis, 36 percent were noted to have meningitis, while 8 percent had flaccid paralysis (5). Humans above the age of sixty are more likely to be affected by a more severe case caused by West Nile Virus (3). As well as people who are ill with cancer, kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes, or have undergone an organ transplant are more susceptible to the viral virus …show more content…
There is no vaccination available at the moment for West Nile Virus, although scientists are working on creating a vaccine for the future (3). Since there are no vaccinations for the virus, to keep safe and reduce the chance of getting infected by the virus, there are precautions a person can take (1). For instance, one can try to prevent getting bitten by a mosquito, by applying insect repellant that contains DEET (2). Another way to protect someone is by wearing clothing that covers most of the body, such as long sleeves and full length pants (2). This makes it harder for the insect to bite at the flesh. As well, be aware of the times mosquitoes are most commonly out to feast, which are the hours from dusk to dawn (2). Also mosquito proof your home by draining standing water, as this is a place mosquitoes like to lay eggs (2). Therefore get rid of standing swimming pool water, or old bucket water