The selected target market is upper year students that lack disposable income. This market was selected because these students are likely to stay away from events in downtown London while games occur, they are a large part of the population and have the most amount of free time. Since admission is free for Western students, upper year students may attend these games to fill up their leisure time. The marketing challenge is to increase attendance, not profits, so the largest consumer group makes it easier to reach out to more people.
Perception of an event is one of the most important factors when it comes to student attendances. The rate of student appearances at games are stagnant or decreasing is probably due to poor marketing techniques or the lack of quality in the games. Since the marketing challenge is to increase student attendance at these games, an effective way of marketing must be used. Western Athletics could either promote in person or through online means. …show more content…
Although Western Clubs’ Night occupies the least of the marketing budget, marketing an event to an audience that has other plans in mind is relatively challenging. It is generally more difficult to convince club members to attend a school events in place of their respective club since these students must put aside time to attend these clubs. This promotion is also less financially feasible because it targets a small volume of people; a higher conversion rate is needed to for there to be a 14 percent growth on student attendance (Refer to Exhibit 6). This is extremely unlikely because staff members can only market to a certain amount of people at a time and it is unrealistic to expect that there would be a conversion rate of 40 or more