Westward Expansion Dbq

Words: 571
Pages: 3

Due to the westward expansion performed by the United States, the lands and territories occupied by Native Americans, were stolen and turned into an industrialized kingdom. During the years of 1800 through 1890, a need for more land was desired and the urge for money was increasing which led to the Westward Expansion, disrupting settled populations and assimilation as much as they could in order to keep “peace” within the states. In Document 7, “A Historical Caricature of the Cherokee Nation” there is a Native American shown lying on the ground, helpless and bound by ropes being pulled and tugged by white men in suits and top hats. There are words displayed throughout the whole picture describing the reasons why the overall scene got to where it is. This work of art illustrates …show more content…
TJ Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, elaborated that “...they (American Indians) will remain handicapped in the struggle for existence”, simply stating that Native Americans will have a hard time finding their way in the new world to come. Because of the mining opportunities in the west, people found themselves moving in that direction, killing the people and interrupting Native American grounds and settlements. Anne S. Stephens, the author of “Esther: A Story of the Oregon Trail”, explains that the Westward Expansion of civilizations has caused mass amounts of death among the Native Americans, “The star that leads civilization westward shines sadly upon the graves of a people almost extinct-- a people that have been hunted ruthlessly.”. The following murder is manipulation. An indigenous tribe leader, Chief Joseph, was a Native American man who sought an explanation, a promise, and an act to reason with the fact that his people were dead and facing mistreatment. Joseph did receive promises and words of hope, but the people who delivered did not care to make it