What´s The Propaganda Craze?

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The Propaganda Craze Advertisements are all around, no matter where you look you can see a product being promoted. Whether the item is mundane or seemingly practical there are people out there to promote the item. Audiences across the world view advertisements and they are often enchanted by the inciting promotion. Types of glamorous advertisements are called propaganda. Propaganda is a “systematic effort to influence people’s opinion, to win them over to a certain view or position”(dictionary.com). Propaganda is now overrunning society and most likely influence people to buy the produces that they are endorsing. Propaganda is also very influential on products people use everyday, such as shoes. Shoes are used everyday and are always on high …show more content…
A testimonial is when “an important person or famous figure endorses a product”. The actor in the Shape Ups Commercials is widely known across America know for her butt and legs. The actor in the Shape Ups Commercial is Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian is known for being very attractive. Most of Kim Kardashian’s fame comes from her, oddly enough, gluteus maxiumus. Kim Kardashian is also a very extravagant women who only wears high end fashion. When Kim Kardashian appears in the “Shape Ups” commercial she shows that the shoe, to her, is attractive. This makes the shoes seem high end and attractive enough to be worn by Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian is also known to always look very fit and slim. Kim Kardashian start to say that her relationship with the trainer is “not working out but that’s not completely true they are working out” Kim Kardashian was actually describing the shoe as if she was describing her relationship. Associating Kim Kardashian and her working out makes the audience assume that Sketchers Shape Ups are Kim Kardashian’s work out shoe of choice. The commercial then cuts to a shot of Kim Kardashian’s butt and the shoe promotes itself with firming the butt and legs this makes the audience assume the shoes are how Kim got her butt and legs. So since Kim Kardashian stars in her own reality shoe, which is most popular with younger women and teenagers, the …show more content…
This technique that they use is called bandwagon; bandwagon “involves encouraging people to think or act in some way simply because other people are doing so.”(dictionary.com ). Kim Kardashian makes people want to follow her throughout the whole commercial. From the beginning Kim Kardashian pushes away the fit male actor and says even though she is having a bad time working out she is also having a good time working out, even though she was talking about the shoe. Kim Kardashian then leaves the fit male actor comparing him as to a different brand of shoe. Kim Kardashian says “it’s not someone else, it’s something else” and jump cuts to the shoe. Kim Kardashian doesn't want him for him but if he has the Shape Ups. Kim Kardashian then walks out of the gym and then takes notice of man who is wearing the Shape Ups shoes. She then beckons him by saying “nice shoes” and then smiling while walking out. This gives audiences that allure saying that they will be noticed by someone famous such as Kim Kardashian. This tempts people by showing if they wear the shoes they will, like the men in the commercial, attract attractive people. Those men attracts other men to buy the shoes just so the people feel like they would not feel like they are left