What Are Pitbulls Predictable

Words: 346
Pages: 2

Pitbulls are like tornadoes, they're unpredictable and deadly. These are the reasons why. Pitbulls are unpredictable because a woman was on a walk when she saw another woman walking her dog when suddenly their dog started attacking each other. Pitbulls are deadly because they injured a woman and killed her kid. Pitbulls should not be pets because they are unpredictable and deadly. The first reason pitbulls are unpredictable is they randomly attack pedestrians and owners. In the article Dangerous Dog Debate it states: “A woman was walking her dog when she passed another lady so she stood off to the side when suddenly her dog struck her in the chest and attacked the other lady's dog”. In addition, this is key because it shows how pitbulls are