Individuality; U.S. are known to value and respect their individuality. They possess a spirit that has remained undaunted even in the eye of the storm of global contradiction. The people of America personify resilience and equality. It is not as though they did not ever learn from tough lessons, but the learning part was fast and easy. Fearless; the U.S. believe that they design their own destiny as a nation. We also have never felt fear to speak up and oppose. The quality of being fearless enables them to honestly express political opinion and live up to the liberties bestowed upon them as a nation by our U.S. constitution. Concern; the U.S. take their friendly nature to the next level and show genuine concern for global issues. Whether the U.S. participates as forerunners in the United Nations or as victims of global terrorism, they have never hesitated to contribute positively. The last is Informal and Realistic; Americans are known to be the ones who break through fetters, and declare