What Are The Four Aces In Knights Of The Air

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Pages: 2

During World War I, four prominent “Knights of the Air” emerged as the most accomplished of the war. These four men, representing the four major powers of the war, are called aces. An ace is a fighter pilot that has “killed,” or downed, at least five enemy palnes. France’s ace, Rene Fonck, scored seventy-five kills during the war. “Fonck twice shot down six enemy planes in one day, and once brought down three planes in ten seconds.” A survivor of World War I, Fonck became an exhibition pilot after his days as a fighter pilot. The insecure ace of Britain, Edward “Mick” Mannock, was blind in one eye. Refusing to let his disadvantage hinder his fighting, Mannock practiced shooting often and as a result won seventy-five kills. He had an