What Constitutional Right Do You Value Most Essay

Words: 445
Pages: 2

1) What Constitutional right do you value most? Explain why this value is important to you.
I value the first amendment. It gives us the rights of freedom. I am glad we don't live in a country that doesn't allow freedom of religion, speech or action. Lots of places have a law that states you have to worship this religion, or you have to do this. I think it's great that we can have freedom of religion so we can practice the religion that we want too.

2) Where in the Constitution is this right specifically granted to you?
This is found in the first amendment of the constitution.

3) Find and summarize three court cases that concern your Constitutional value that you hold closest to you.
Issue: Three school students wore black armbands to
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The Supreme Court established the Tinker Test. The standard that public schools must meet before restricting the freedom of speech, or expressions of students.
Issue: A public school principal removed two articles from the school newspaper due to content he considered inappropriate. Two articles were removed from the school newspaper because the principal found their content not appropriate for a school newspaper. One article was about teen pregnancy and the other was about divorce. # students from the class sues the school. Claiming their 1st amendment rights had been violated. Ruling: The school district did not violate the rights of students. Public schools can take away things with some limitations. The content of student newspapers and other publications that are paid for by the school, represents the schools name. Teachers are not in violation of the 1st Amendment when censoring school sponsored publications. As long as their actions are reasonably related to educational purposes. 3. Issue: A public school student was suspended for giving speech at assembly, at school. The speech had several sexual references and graphic content. He was banned from speaking at his graduation. The school had a current policy about disruptive