Money. Money. Money. Also a trophy. Big game hunters say that what they are doing helps the …show more content…
Big game hunting isn’t far off. According to a report “The Myth of Trophy Hunting” by Save African Animals, “Opening up even a limited legal trade creates a smokescreen for poachers which is almost impossible to police. Prior to 1986, when the whaling moratorium was introduced, legal quotas were widely used as cover for poaching, driving some species near to extinction. According to game hunting most of the time is only about the fur,tusks,horns, or teeth. Big game hunting is sounding more like poaching.
Sometimes it can help the environment when a species is getting out of control and you have to kill them to save some other species. Killing animals for no reason sometimes it awful. They didn’t do anything to die. Sometimes people kill it then leave it there to rot, and the makes me furious. What if the lion or other creature had a family and that animal was the last one alive to take care of its babies. The babies might die. To me it sounds like bambie. His mother gets shot because of a non caring person. Then a an deer comes out and some animals aren’t that lucky. Big game hunting is awful and