The author classifies the problems in terms how the interview is conducted. The first problem he cites is the lack of establishing a rapport with the child and more often approaching them thru an adult perspective of the problem. E, .Mart, 2010 underlines that there is a consensus that child responds best, when the interviewers take time to establish rapport. This would appear to be a matter of common sense; children discussing possibly dramatic events with a strange adult are more likely to be guarded if they are not made to feel comfortable. However the author points out that many interviewers either have little experience establishing rapport with children, or do not attach sufficient value to the need to make the child feel comfortable and safe (E, .Mart, 2010). Furthermore, the author clearly establish the factors that may lead to the lack of rapport, he underlines that the most frequent one is the many interviewers either have little experience or they do not attach a value to the interview and projecting children as mini- adults.
Another problem in assessing the child abuse according to the author is the failure to understand and assess development related abilities. The lack of understanding the developmental issues the author highlights is often assumed that happens only in young children however he underlines that understanding the developmental and sexual stages of preadolescents and