What Is Ellie Wiesel's Responsibility To Bear Witness

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Pages: 2

In Ellie Wiesel’s life, he has taken accountability and responsibility to bear witness as much as possible. E. W. felt like his responsibility was to reflect and stand up for people who were going through injustice. He has done this in many ways by keeping people aware of social injustices, talking about his experiences, and advocating for peace and unity in the world.

He had a big responsibility to keep people aware of all the social injustices people were going through. He believed that one person of courage could make a difference, so he never gave up. He kept talking about things he felt weren't right or shouldn't be accepted. E. W. believed that if just one person could hear him and be moved, he was making some kind of difference. Ellie Wiesel once said, “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation.” He felt that his responsibility was to keep people from enduring the terrible things he did. Ellie never wanted people to forget about the memories and lives of the people who suffered with him or similar to him, that’s why he fought so hard to keep their memories alive.
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Talking about his experiences helped people understand the struggle and importance of bearing witness. His novel “Night” is a great example of the raw and uncensored things he had to see and go through as a young teen. During his time alive, he constantly talked about his experiences to shed light on what happened so no one could forget. The writings were a powerful testimony to the things he bore witness