Knowing that all someone might need is someone to simply listen to what they have to say, is a strong inspiration as to why I sit in court for hours. The world is bigger than me. The interconnectedness between my public action project and its pressing issues, and Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement, is clear. The topics of sexual violence and survivor stories have guided me through being a court reporter advocating for the protection of women’s rights. Women go through so much in trying to repair their lives after sexual violence, and often they feel they don’t have a voice. Understanding this silent struggle has been crucial in my approach to cases with victims present and their stories. Many of these survivors also experience not only the difficulties of the violence that took place, but also the oppression they face in society and the justice system. Burke’s account gave me an up-close view of this fight and a deeper understanding of how the court cases I’m watching aren’t one-dimensional. Along with this understanding is the idea of how important listening