Angermeier, I., Dunford, B., Boss, A., Boss, R., & Miller, J. (2009). The impact of participative management perceptions on customer service, medical errors, burnout, and turnover intentions. Journal of Healthcare Management, 54(2), 127-141. Retrieved from
This article discusses a sample study of about 2,500 employees within the US healthcare system. It specifically discusses the effect of a participative management style on various factors, with performance being one of them. This has a lot of relevance to my research topic as I am researching the claim that the author has stated in the article. The authors’ claims are supported with statistical data that was taken from the study and seems very unbiased. The International Journal of Human Resource Management is a credible source because it is an applied, peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of research and other developments in the field, which are written by experts within the field. The authors have had at least five to twelve articles each published in various scholarly journals, which have all been subject to peer-reviews.
This article was found in CINAHL Plus with Full Text.
Benoliel, P., & Somech, A. (2010). Who benefits from participative management? Journal of Educational Administration, 48(3), 285-308. doi:10.1108/09578231011041026
This article was found in ABI/Inform Complete.
Huang, T. (1997). The effect of participative management on organizational performance: The case of Taiwan. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(5), 677-689. doi: 10.1080/095851997341450
This article was found in Business Source Complete.
Huang, X., Iun, J., Liu, A., & Gong, Y. (2010). Does participative leadership enhance work performance by inducing empowerment or trust? The differential effects on managerial and non-managerial subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(1), 122-143. Retrieved from
This article also discusses a study sample of about 520 employees of a large Fortune 500 company. It discusses the link between an improvement in work and performance due to the motivational teams and participative nature of them when compared to teams that operated differently. This article is extremely relevant to my research question because it discusses the direct effect participative leadership has on work performance. The authors’ claims are supported with statistical data and graphs that were taken