What Is The Importance Of Organising Workplace Information

Submitted By ahrum15
Words: 756
Pages: 4

Central Institute of Technology

Report 7 Ahreum Ra

Central Institute of Technology

Report 7 Ahreum Ra

Content 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 The importance of organising workplace information 1 3.0 Eat Central Virtual Enterprise 1 4.0 Information systems used as Eat Central 2 5.0 Information collected and stored at Eat Central Virtual Enterprise 2 6.0 Assessing information 3 7.0 Future information needs 3 8.0 Conclusion 4 9.0 Recommendations 4 10.0References 4 11.0 Appendix 4

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this report is investigate the information stored at Eat Central and provides recommendations for how it is collected and organised.
2.0 The importance of organising workplace information
It is really important that information in the workplace is kept up to date and relevant because it is connected with efficiency and safety. Information needs to be easily located or time might be wasted and the employees will not feel comfortable.

Information can assist and hinder workers when they are working in the workplace. Keeping up to date information makes a task easier and helps workers to do their job. Workplaces that are not organised have more accidents than the others.

3.0 Eat Central Virtual Enterprise
Eat Central Virtual Enterprise is a Virtual company for the students who study in business. It provides students with the chance to work in a virtual business like a real business so that they adapt to a workplace to when they finish school. Students at TAFE who study business have the experience to work in department as such as Human Resources, Finance, Administration and Sales and Marketing.

Departments | Job roles | Human Resources | H/R OfficerOccupational Health and Safety officerLearning and Development Officer | Finance | Account receivable OfficerAccount payable OfficerPurchasing Officer | Administration | Personal AssistanceAdministratorReceptionist | Sales and Marketing | Fund Raising Team |

4.0 Information systems used as Eat Central
There are 5 systems they are always using such as Client Files, G drive, MYOB, Finance Files, VE contact details on VEA website | Type of system | Organisation | Up-dated | Client files | * Manual * Paper | * Alphabetical | * PR | G drive | * Electronic | * Alphabetical * Chronological * Folders | * Manager | MYOB | * Electronic * Online accounting software | * Alphabetical * Chronological * Folder | * Finance Department | Finance | * folders | * Alphabetical * Data received * Invoice Number | * Finance Department | VE contact details | * Data base | * Alphabetical | * VEA head officer |

5.0 Information collected and stored at Eat Central Virtual Enterprise

Information/Document | Where can this information/document be found? | Which job role needs this information/documents | Task list | G drive | All staff | Contact details of other virtual Enterprises | VEA Website | Reception | Eat Central purchasing policy | G drive | Finance | Eat Central fundraising policy | G drive | Sales and Marketing | Eat Central style guide | G drive | All staff | Hazard audit checklist | G drive | HR Officer | Topic of discussion for Team Leader meeting | HR Officer | HR | Minutes of meeting template | G drive | PA | 6.0 Assessing information

Information / document: meeting minutes | Criteria | Yes/no |