Moments into the film Docter takes you on an adventure that begins with a passion for exploring shared by two small children Carl Fredrickson, voiced by Ed Asner, and Ellie, voiced by Elie Docter. They become fast friends after they discover they share an interest in the same adventurer Charles Muntz, voiced by Christopher Plummer. A silent montage shows how the relationship between the adventurers Carl and Ellie mature. As the scene comes to an end the focus shifts to the life of only one as they struggle to find meaning without the other. A threatened home, and an unfulfilled promise force the homeowner to flee, but not without the house and thousands of balloons. A surprise stowaway Russell (Jordan Nagai), a wilderness explorer intent on earning his last badge for helping the elderly, is standing on the porch of the helium supported house. Carl and Russell’s journey lead them to Kevin (Pete Docter), the shrieking momma bird with a love for chocolate, and the loyal dog Dug, voiced by the …show more content…
There are the more noticeable relationships such as the connection between Carl and Ellie, as well as the generational relationship that occur between Carl and Russell. Looking deeper into Carl and Russell’s relationship there is also a noticeable theme between films that Docter has directed. In Monsters Inc. Docter’s character Sulley protects the small child Boo. This can also be seen in his 2015 film Inside Out when Joy and the other emotions work together to protect and guide Riley. We see that this is also evident as Carl and Russell set out on their