What Role Did George Washington Play In Early American History

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George Washington played one of the most significant roles in early American history. He was the commander of the Continental army, president of the Constitutional Convention, and served as the first president of the United States of America. Throughout he’s vital part of early America, he’s personal physical objects such as he’s battle sword and scabbard, blue wool coat uniform, and candle stand represent their own story of early American history.

George Washington's battle sword and scabbard was made in 1777 by John Bailey of Silver Fish, New York (“General George Washington’s Sword and Scabbard”). The battle sword and scabbard were first worn by Washington during his serve as a colonel in the expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1758, where he commanded 2,000 Virginia troops. Washington then continued to wear the sword and scabbard throughout his time serving as commander of the Continental army during the Revolutionary War (George Washington’s Battle Sword). This sword is important to American history because it represents the time of George Washington’s
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This uniform was often seen worn by Washington in life portraits he had painted. The first record of this uniform being worn by him was for a portrait in 1789 (“George Washington’s Uniform”). Washington was also documented wearing this uniform in December 1789 when he visited Philadelphia on Provisional army duty. It is also believed Washington wore a very similar uniform when he was commissioned by the Continental Congress as commander in the Continental army; however, none of Washington's uniforms from the revolutionary war period survived (“George Washington’s Uniform”). Washington’s uniform tells the story of the experiences he encountered in his life until he passed away. It also represents when Washington was chosen to be a commander in the Continental army, which was a huge factor in his life and