When Machines Outsmart Humans Summary

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Pages: 4

In future events, the possibility of superintelligence or true AI receives contrasting views regarding the reality of its creation. Bostrom, an expert in philosophical areas, considers opposing viewpoints and argues for the validity of true AI's creation within the next fifty years in a journal article "When Machines Outsmart Humans". Comparatively, he analyzes the necessary amount of computing power to achieve a functional artificial intelligence and the viable methods, including natural replication in computing and progress in nanotechnology. Through computational neuroscience, a rapidly developing field, artificial intelligence starts from the lower levels of the brain, working upwards to achieve qualities associated with human intelligence. …show more content…
Significantly, the concept of independence represents overwhelming above-human intelligence. The resulting intelligence can be controlled in a manner of ways to serve one goal, but his conclusion stipulates that with human intellect they cannot be considered a simple tool. The implication is that when AI technology possesses unlimited potential, humans cannot choose to control it. Furthermore, Bostrom offers two conclusions; that above-human intelligence cannot be disregarded as a possibility in the near future, and that "the creation of such artificial intellects will have wide-ranging consequences for almost all the social, political, economic, commercial, technological, scientific, and environmental issues" (Bostrom). The quote gives evidence to complications resulting from unregulated production of artificial intelligence. Conversely, contemplating the benefits of AI, it will create global repercussions among issues relating to pillars of society. The general conclusion is that AI will eradicate many problems surrounding human