When Racial Profiling Is Appropriate Summary

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Pages: 5

Amar, Vikram David. “When Racial Profiling Is Appropriate.” LAtimes.com, Los Angeles Times, 30 Sept. 2001, articles.latimes.com/2001/sep/30/opinion/op-51584. Accessed 14 Jan. 20117. In his article: “When Racial Profiling Is Appropriate”, Amar briefly explains a personal connection with racial profiling where his brother had been mistaken as an Arab and was harassed by a couple of construction workers. He explains how Racial profiling is such a touchy issue because using race is not rational at all. although the use of race isn’t so much as harmless, it could be abused causing this type of profiling to be used as a “revamped” version of racism. Amar is saying that there is a correct way to use profiling in order for it to not be classified as racial profiling. Racial profiling should be used in a sense to catch criminals, not to judge someone’s actions based off of ethnicity, religion, or race.

The American Civil Liberties Union. “Racial Profiling since 9/11.” Aclu.org, ACLU, 25
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“Why Black Lives Matter Won’t Go Away: A Primer on Systemic Racsim in America.” Counterpunch.org, Counterpunch, 18 July 2016, www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/18/why-black-lives-matter-wont-go-away-a-primer-on-systemic-racism-in-america/. Accessed 17 Jan. 2017. This article has just about everything one needs to know about racial profiling and how links with the Black Lives Matter“ movement. Author, Anthony DiMaggio touches base with police brutality, Traffic Stops, Death Penalty Cases, Media Discrimination, along with the public’s opinion. He brings up how we live within a society where we accept racist stereotypes. he point’s out how police brutality is also one of the leading factors of racial profiling. within the article, DiMaggio states, ”Most whites agreed that black family problems stemmed from “too many teenage girls having children,”.... racial profiling along with racial stereotyping has played a large role in majority of issues happening within the world