Using OneDrive or email – I want you to share the “three” things that you have chosen to present with your classmates. If more than one student chooses the same topic, precedence will go to the student who shared first. (these documents are always “time stamped”).
After sharing your topics and getting the green light to proceed with the topics you have chosen – prepare your presentation in the following way:
Suppose you choose to present “the drawing area” as shown at time mark :24
13716003873500Give a screen shot of what the drawing area is as shown at left in the red highlighted area. If you choose a different topic you will need to identify it VISUALLY either using the video – or a drawing of your own.
After visually identifying your topic – provide an example of HOW it is used as indicated below.
The drawing area is where the part is drawn. The boat in the figure above is “drawn” within the drawing area.
The commands used to create drawing in this area are found in the ribbon which is located just above the drawing area.
Some of these commands are Draw, Modify and Annotation.
Some of the draw commands are line, circle and Arc
Some of the modify commands are move, erase and rotate
Some of the annotation commands are text, leader and measurements.
I want your presentation to include an example of HOW these items that you have chosen are actually used. For example – I have identified the drawing