White Helmets Social Media Analysis

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Pages: 3

The White Helmets can use their resource better by utilizing their strength, which is their social media. The White Helmets need to focus more of their attention on using social media to educate their followers and potential stakeholders on what Resolution 2139 is and to gain more information and support for it by spreading the information on how making the UN council to enforce their own rules. Doing this will fulfills the White Helmets mission and values. Most of western civilization knows about Aleppo and what's going on in Syria, but not many know information about the Resolution 2139. This is an area where social media can be used to help the public understand what Resolution 2139 is. Social media is also used to de-dunk all the critics that spread negativity and rumor that about the White Helmet being terrorist group by disguise. Social media is the key to informing the public and to gains …show more content…
That is a good way to understand how they can do their part to bring more attention to the matter. There is not much change with how they use their social media. Their strongest is with Twitter where they live tweet the amount of people that the volunteer have saved. They just need to integrate more information on Resolution 2139 and the purpose of the resolution. When people started to understand that the Resolution 2139 was passed only to lack enforcement can bring to attention to force the UN to act upon it. This is a humanitarian issue that needs to be solved to save the lives of ordinary citizens of Syria. The social media team needs to create more content that will educate their following on both The White Helmets, Mayday Rescue and The Syria Civil Defense social media accounts to get the most buzz. The team must have a lot variety of content from articles to info graph and gif that is easy to read and to grab the attention of their follower to get them to better understand the situation