Who Are The Jewish Partisans: Personal Narrative

Words: 451
Pages: 2

Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; it’s also what it takes to sit down and listen,” Some people may say that positive thinking is the best or even passive resistance, but if you only think positive you won’t be focused on your problem (the negative) and how to solve it, if you only passive resist then you won’t fix your problem. Active resistance is the best way to respond to conflict because you can stand up for what you believe in and it saves lives.

To begin with, active resistance is the best way to respond to conflict, because it saves lives. For example, in the story, “Who Are the Jewish Partisans,” the author shows how active resistance saves lives when he says, “Jewish partisans saved thousands of Jews' lives, in some cases breaking Jews out of the well-confined ghettos.” This shows active resistance is the best because they saved lots of Jewish lives rather than doing nothing and letting them die in the ghettos or at death camps. This is important because active
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Some may say that positive thinking is the best because nobody gets hurt, however when you positively think you won’t focus on the negative in you’re conflict and if you just think you’re conflicted, it will never change. In the story, “Hitler’s Youth” the author, Susan Bartoletti, shows in her writing why active resistance helps you stand up for what you believe in when she wrote, “Although a German motto said, ‘German girls wear braids’ dark haired Sophie wore her hair short,” This shows active resistance can help you stand up for what you believe in because Sophie wore her hair down even though she knew she would get in trouble. This is important because active resistance can help you stand up for what you believe in. In conclusion, active resistance is the best way to respond to conflict because you can stand up for what you believe