Who Are You Epilogue To Willy Loman's Death?

Words: 1505
Pages: 7

The roar of the ocean wakes Willy up with the light of the sunrise. It’s a beautiful saturday morning. He washes off his feet and with a wet rag cleans himself for the day he gets home. He and his best friend Joseph share a bowl of strawberries to eat with a loaf of bread. “That was delicious!” exclaims Joseph. “I am so excited for today Willy. I get to see my wife.” Joseph got married to his wife four months before the journey out to sea. He has waited five months to see her. In laughter Willy replied, “I wish I could find a lady like you did. I’m 27 and still alone.” “You’ll find her someday Willy, don’t worry.” Joseph said while doubting his own words. Willy puts on his boots and walks out of the dorms on the boat. It’s mid July so …show more content…
“Another half-hour and we will be home in a jiffy.” explains one of the crew members. Joseph and many others are excited to see their families. Willy is excited to go home. He has seen too much of the sea recently and a break is really necessary. When the crew arrives at the port they already have everything packed up so they unload the whales, grab their luggage, and head off into separate directions. “Willy, would you like to come over for dinner tonight? My wife will be cooking a big feast and there will be plenty of food for you if you’d like to come.” Joseph asks Willy “Oh thank you but it’s been a long day and I’m just going to get some rest, but thanks for the offer.” replies Willy with exuastion. “Well suit yourself.” Joseph replies. Willy walks home and stops by the market to pick up some bread and tea. He loves his bread with a nice hot cup of tea. “Good evening Willy glad to see you’re back in town.” says Sally with excitement “Great to be back! Do you want to go do something this week? We could go watch some ducks or just have dinner at my house.” says Willy with a little anxiety. Willy has liked Sally for a long time. They went to the same school and now live in the same