Who Is Cameron Eickmeyer's On Global Warming?

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Poetry performances allow individuals to express their ideas and utilize the many elements of poetry including type, rhyme and meter, while including self-exhibition. Furthermore, poetry readings can be traced back thousands of years, even to when Homer’s poem Odyssey was read for pleasure and entertainment, often while people were gathered in a sitting room of types. As time progressed, poetry began to be read on stage in a theatrical setting (Poetry Through the Ages). Often, music accompanied this type of reading. Much of these readings were of Ode style, which is, “A formal, often ceremonious lyric poem that addresses and often celebrates a person, place, thing, or idea” (PoetryFoundation.org). However, over time the styles of poems and …show more content…
Cameron Eickmeyer ended the night with a piece he wrote titled, “On Global Warming. The poem is about how his father asks him about the ‘weather’ and they begin to argue, and Cameron speaks up about how he will not be like an iceberg to his children, as his father was to him, instead he will become a hurricane. His father was abusive, cold and distant when he was young and now that Cameron is a father, he wants to rise above and become one of the most monstrous storms of mother nature, a hurricane. He wants to be involved, stir up his children’s creativity, their hope, love and encouragement. He wants to be the opposite of what his father was to him. Fortunately, I went with my husband and you could see tears in his own eyes; everyone was crying. This poem stirred so much within each of us, some of us are parents, some were still ‘dealing’ with parents in such a way that it unearthed a massive stone in each of us. He began to start with a slow tempo, revved up in the middle and slowly returned at the end to say he will not be cold, an iceberg, but instead, he will be a hurricane. You can hear his poem at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mevGv1A0GA, however since this poetry reading he has added a bit more to the poem and changed a little bit. I cannot put into words how moving this poem was for everyone in the …show more content…
Every culture has familial problems and often those problems are passed on to generation to generation by observational learning patterns (Cherry). Literary work has often been used to convey a message, idea, or emotion, in our book, poetry was often used to discuss the hero of their time, in which happened during the Romantic Period. Sometimes they wrote poetry to discuss their love of nature, whether it was Wordsworth's “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,” in which he lay under a tree and gaze at the nature around him, or Kipling's “The White Man's Burden,” discussing the burdens that man has experienced due to industrialization. As you can see, poetry changed as the times changed. During the romantic period, poetry was about love, sexuality and the hero and during the realism period, poetry was about the new way of life, one of filth, class competition and consumerism. Then you come upon modernism, and we see a new type of poetry. Our book states that T. S. Eliot, “joined him (Ezra Pound) in the effort to rid modern poetry of romantic sentiment. He held that poetry must seek the verbal formula or “objective correlative” (as he called it) that gives precise shape to feeling””(Fiero,