Who Is Chris Mccandless?

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Pages: 4

Throughout the story of Christopher McCandless, also known as Alexander Supertramp, it is a quotidian topic discussed about the countless people that Chris had impacted with his altruistic view of life and controversial ways of living. Closer to the end of his story in Into the Wild, more information about why his view of money is so pessimistic and dismal of the rich is shown along with more of his home life. Regardless of his views, he was always willing to put his opinion aside and become friends with everyone whether they agreed with him or not, including Wayne Westerberg, Ron Frantz, his younger sister Billie McCandless, and Jan Burres. All of whom had differing opinions from him on a plethora of subjects. For example, Jan Burres had talked to Chris about needing money to get along in life, but Chris disagreed, and in a letter to someone else he had met on his journey, he wrote about how the less you have the more you enjoy life. …show more content…
Jan Burres views money as a necessity for everyone and almost seems to bring it upon herself to ensure that everyone has access to that desideratum. This is shown in Chapter 5 of Into the Wild when she talks about how much she wanted to help him on his Alaskan journey in spite of his efforts to not accept any help. This elucidates that Jan is someone who isn’t likely to let anyone leave her unprepared for whatever may lie ahead of them, especially if there is something she can do to help. Jan also states, “Man, you gotta have money to get along in this world”(Krakauer,