When she was free, “...Tubman dedicated her life to the abolition of slavery as a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She brought approximately 70 enslaved African Americans to freedom in the north” (Dawson). This quote shows the valorousness that Tubman has expressed throughout this very devastating time. Instead of Harriet Tubman living through slavery for the remainder of her life, she decided to be courageous in order to save fellow slaves. In addition, Tubman became a successful Conductor in the UGGR. She successfully returned for her second and third journeys to save even more individuals. After some trial and error, “... she brought both family and friends to freedom, she became a Conductor on the UGRR. She succeeded in her second journey as well and, on her third in 1851, Tubman returned for her husband, John ''(Dawson). This quote demonstrates how successful Harriet Tubman has become after taking a life-changing risk. Not only did she save herself, but she saved the majority of slaves in her time. Therefore, Harriet Tubman is truly a hero by risking her life more than once for the safety and freedom of