“There were many such dangers, in which the odds were all against them. Their children were not as well as they had been at home; but how could they know that there was no sewer to their house, and that the drainage of fifteen years was in a cesspool under it?”(Sinclair 7). Many children were sent from their homes to these factories with fake papers stating that they were sixteen years of age, while many, like Stanislovas Lukoszaite, a Lithuanian immigrant, were only thirteen or fourteen years old. Stanislovas job was very simple, he would tend to the machinery and fill several cans of lard per hour….the job required two people, one to place an empty lard can down, while the other person would take off the full lard can and place it onto a tray every few seconds. This was his destiny for the rest of his life, every hour, every day, every year. His fate was to stand on the same square foot, no thoughts or actions besides work(26). Sinclair witnessed the prolonged mistreatment and conditions that were unsanitary and inhumane for an adult, let alone children to be working