Why College Should Be Free

Words: 593
Pages: 3

Logan Zezza Mrs. Clifford English Language Arts Block 3/4 April 12, 2024.

Argumentative Essay: Why college should be free We all know how expensive college is, but what if it wasn’t? Minor colleges are usually 50k, and major colleges like Harvard can cost up to 300k. A college degree is required for many jobs, so unless you spend almost your entirety of school years trying to do good so you can get a scholarship, you will most likely have debt for a VERY long time. Also, you usually need to get into a good college, but the better the college, the more money you need to pay. Overall, college should be free in America because of the many negatives debt can cause. Firstly, debt can cause stress that impacts people’s lives for the worst. 1 way debt causes stress is to work. Due
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Another way debt can cause stress is through less life opportunities. If you have debt it will be harder to travel or start a family which can also cause stress and a feeling of sorrow. This supports my answer because it shows how debt can make people's lives worse by causing stress. Overall, college should be free because of the stress it can cause that can make people experience less enjoyable things in life. Secondly, college debt can also cause depression. Having a lot of debt can be stressful, and worrying about it all the time can cause depression. A study showed that over 50% of people have depression due to their college debt. It also stated that 1 in 15 people with college debt have considered suicide. That means in a college with 5000 people, 300 would have considered ending their lives. This supports my answer because it shows just how much debt can affect mental health. Depression is very bad for someone's well-being and some people who have so much potential in life consider throwing it all away. Overall, this proves how much debt can affect mental health and just how important it is for colleges to be free. Finally, while some people may say “You go to college to get a high